Airsoft Surgeon European Championships Preview Issue | Page 56

CHAPTER 7: Match Management 7.1 Match Officials The duties and terms of reference of Match Officials are defined as follows: 7.1.1 Range Officer ("RO") – Issues range commands, oversees competitor compliance with the written stage briefing and closely monitors safe competitor action. He also declares the time, scores and penalties achieved by each competitor and verifies that these are correctly recorded on the competitor's score sheet (under the authority of a Chief Range Officer and Range Master). 7.1.2 Chief Range Officer ("CRO") – Is the primary authority over all persons and activities in the courses of fire under his control, and oversees the fair, correct and consistent application of these rules (under the direct authority of the Range Master). 7.1.3 Stats Officer ("SO") – Supervises the stats room team, which collects, sorts, verifies, tabulates and retains all score sheets and ultimately produces provisional and final results (under the direct authority of the Range Master). 7.1.4 Quartermaster ("QM") – Distributes, repairs and maintains all range equipment (e.g. targets, patches, paint, props etc.), other range needs (e.g. timers, batteries, staplers, staples, clipboards etc.) and replenishes Range Officer refreshments (under the direct authority of the Range Master). 7.1.5 Range Master ("RM") – Has overall authority over all persons and activities within the entire range, including range safety, the operation of all courses of fire and the application of these rules. All disqualifications and appeals to arbitration must be brought to his attention. The Range Master is usually appointed by and works with the Match Director. However, in respect of IPSC sanctioned Level IV or higher matches, the appointment of the Range Master is subject to the prior written approval of the IPSC Executive Council. References to "Range Master" throughout this rulebook mean the person serving as Range Master at a match (or his authorized delegate for one or more specific functions), regardless of any international or regional rank. 7.1.6 Match Director ("MD") – Handles overall match administration including squadding, scheduling, range construction, the coordination of all support staff and the provision of services. His authority and decisions will prevail with regard to all matters except in respect of matters in these rules which are the domain of the Range Master. The Match Director is appointed by the host organization and works with the Range Master. 7.2 Discipline of Match Officials 7.2.1 The Range Master has authority over all Match Officials other than the Match Director (except when the Match Director is actually participating as a competitor at the match), and is responsible for decisions in matters concerning conduct and discipline. 7.2.2 In the event that a Match Official is disciplined, the Range Master must send a report of the incident and details of the disciplinary action to the Match Official's Regional Director, the Regional Director of the Region hosting the match, and to the President of the International Range Officers Association (IROA). 7.2.3 A Match Official who is disqualified from a match for a safety infraction while competing will continue to be eligible to serve as a Match Official for the match. The Rang HX\