Airsoft Surgeon European Championships Preview Issue | Page 50

5.2.10 In some Divisions (see Appendix D), neither the handgun, nor any of its attachments, nor the holster, nor any allied equipment, can extend forward of the line illustrated in Appendix E2. Any such items a Range Officer deems not to be in compliance must be safely and promptly adjusted, failing which Rule will apply. 5.3 Appropriate Dress 5.3.1 The use of camouflage or other similar types of military or police garments other than by competitors who are law enforcement or military personnel is discouraged. The Match Director will be the final authority in respect of what garments must not be worn by competitors. 5.4 Eye Protection 5.4.1 All persons are warned that the correct use of adequate eye protection is in their own interest and of paramount importance to prevent injury to vision. It is strongly recommended that eye protection be worn at all times by all persons while on the range premises. 5.4.2 Host organizations may require the use of such protection by all persons, as a condition of attendance and while present on the range premises. If so, Match Officials must make every reasonable effort to ensure that all persons wear adequate protection. 5.4.3 If a Range Officer notices that a competitor has lost or displaced their eye protection during a course of fire, or has commenced a course of fire without them, the Range Officer must immediately stop the competitor who will be required to reshoot the course of fire after the protective devices have been restored. 5.4.4 A competitor who inadvertently loses eye protection during a course of fire, or commences a course of fire without them, is entitled to stop, point their firearm in a safe direction and indicate the problem to the Range Officer, in which case the provisions of the previous rule will apply. 5.4.5 Any attempt to gain a reshoot or advantage by removing eye protection during a course of fire will be considered unsportsmanlike conduct (see Rule 10.6.2). 5.4.6 If a Range Officer deems that a competitor about to make an attempt at a course of fire is wearing inadequate eye protection, the Range Officer may order the competitor to rectify the situation before allowing the competitor to continue. The Range Master is the final authority on this matter. 5.5 Projectiles and Related Equipment 5.5.1 Competitors at an IPSC Action Air match are solely and personally responsible for the safety of all and any projectiles which they bring to the match. Neither IPSC nor any IPSC Officers, nor any organization affiliated to IPSC, nor the officers of any organization affiliated to IPSC accepts any responsibility whatsoever in this regard, nor in respect of any loss, damage, accident, injury or death suffered by any person or entity as a result of the lawful or unlawful use of any such projectiles. 5.5.2 All competitor projectiles and their respective magazines and speed loaders must comply with the provisions of the relevant Division (see Appendix D). 5.5.3 Spare magazines, speed loaders or projectiles dropped or discarded by a competitor after the start signal may be retrieved, however, their retrieval is, at all times, subject to all safety rules. 5.5.4 Projectiles made of any material other than plastic are prohibited at IPSC Action Air matches (see Rule 10.5.15). 5.5.5 Not applicable. 5.5.6 Projectiles deemed unsafe by a Range Officer must be immediately withdrawn from the match (see Rule 10.5.15). 5.6 Power Factor 5.6.1 The maximum power factor of projectiles in all Divisions is two Joules or the maximum power factor specified by law in the Region hosting a match, whichever is lower (see Rule 10.5.15). Officials may conduct compliance tests of projectiles used by competitors through the competitor’s handgun at any time. IPSC Action Air Rules, January 2012 Edition 13