Airsoft Action April 2020 | Page 8

EVENT REPORT #NOTGOINGTOIWA 2020 I WA 2020 was expected to be a great show for airsoft, but the outbreak of Covid-19 showed that even the best laid plans do not survive first contact! Luckily Airsoft Action has many friends within the industry, so Bill reached out to find out just what “new and improved” products we can expect to see from our friends in the coming months in an exclusive inside look! There’s an ancient proverb that allegedly originated in China, “May you live in interesting times”, which is actually more of a curse; whether we like it or not, we live in interesting times right now, and although they could be viewed as times of danger and uncertainty, they are also times of unbridled creativity and innovation in the airsoft industry! Usually at this time of the year I would be hammering out my usual “Show AAR” in order to hit our publishing deadline, especially now we are putting new digital issues up every 15th of the month, but due to the postponement of the show I decided to speak to our industry friends to pull together a special report to showcase what we would have seen, as there are some pretty fascinating developments that will be heading our way 8 APRIL 2020 during 2020! When the postponement was called there was huge disappointment in the airsoft community, as IWA is not only a trade show where we get to see all the new “shiny things”, it’s also a place where we all get together face to face and have an opportunity to discuss all things airsoft. With the Airsoft Meetup and the now- traditional “MealSim” we have a chance to gather and share ideas and information in person, rather than just messaging or emailing one another. But such is the resilience and dark humour of my friends in the community that soon after the announcement of the postponement I was soon seeing the “#notgoing” symbol appearing in chat groups, and this has taken on a life of its own; like all of you, we are not fazed by adversity, we merely find another way to deal with a problem. This set me to thinking and the idea of a “#notgoing” article formed in my mind. Now sadly I cannot cover every tiny thing that we might have seen at the show in Germany, but I hope the following pages will give you some idea of new directions and products that will be appearing in your favourite stores soon! Also sadly, some were not able to meet our publishing deadline, and others, like ASG and Valken, appear to have made the decision to hold over their new product launches to the new show date in September. My thanks go out to all our industry partners that did get information to me to collaborate on getting news out in a timely fashion; just simply click on the website address on the relevant page to take you direct to all the latest news! Without further ado I’ll get into the meat of things, and for now I’ll just say to you all, friends old and new, “See you at IWA in September”! AA