“Defending teams must stay
within the bases – if hit they join
the opposition. Fight to the last
man standing, or kneeling, or
lying in the foetal position!”
fighting with each other as well as looking
for these guys. The kicker is that the PMC
players are usually picked from the best
vets of the site, making them very difficult
to track and find. This game is hard, no
doubt, and requires your team to work well
together – on a site this big communication
is paramount. The game developed rapidly
and it was good to see some impressive
teamwork among the players as they
attempted to hunt the PMCs while evading
the other team. Another game marked by
lots of brutal fighting and some excellent
play, though ultimately the PMCs managed
to evade capture.
S8 is renowned for its awesome winddown games, in the vein of pistol/shottie or
zombie scenarios – but unfortunately I had
to go home at this point.
All in all Section 8 is a great site to
play, absolutely huge and with some
March 2012
impressive bases (the size of this place is
truly awe-inspiring). If you like to play in
vast areas where the use of fieldcraft and
tactics really come into their own then this
site is perfect for you. You can go almost
anywhere on the site and attack the enemy
from areas they hadn’t realised existed. I
love this place and if it wasn’t for the guys
who run it and the guys who play it, this
airsofter may have ended up sitting playing
Warhammer for the rest of his life!
Special thanks to Steve ‘Reverend
Scapegoat’, the owner of S8 (find him on
the Section 8 forums for bookings and
hires), for all his help in bringing me into
this sport. Cheers mate! ■
Dura Forest, Lanarkshire, ML7 5AB
Walk-on: £16
Rifle hire: £15 (includes AEG,
hi-cap mag and face mask)
Contact: 07974 026517