When shadows aren’t enough:
The new Kryptec camo at the Show
Crye Precision’s multicam softshell
One of the things I really wanted to get my
hands on was the Kriss Vector, from KWA.
Before I left for Vegas the magazine had
received a press release saying it would be
there and I was keen to see whether it would
live up to the hype.
If looks are anything to go by then it most
certainly does! It is a 1:1 replica of the realsteel version and KWA has also replicated
the sloping internals. Unfortunately the show
has a no-firing policy so I can’t tell you
what it fires and sounds
March 2012
like but, if it plays just half as well as it looks,
then KWA is onto a winner.
KWA was also displaying its collaborations
with Magpul PTS, including the RM4, LM4
and FPG. The RM4 features KWA’s patented
recoil engine (known as KFS – Kinetic
Feedback System) which is said to deliver a
much more powerful and realistic kick but
again, due to show restrictions, I wasn’t able
to test it for myself. The same system is
fitted in KWA’s new AK range.
While it does not have a UK distribution
deal it is my understanding that KWA has
been in discussion with a number of UK
companies and is close to signing with a
major UK distributor – watch this space for
more info when we get it.
Over at the Magpul PTS booth I was
invited in to take a look at the new products,
and was immediately taken by the PDR
(Personal Defence Rifle), a lightweight,
compact rifle that is absolutely loaded with
features. I particularly like the two-stage
trigger system on the PDR – for those of you
that don’t know, a two-stage trigger fires
semi-auto at the first stage and full-auto
when you pull through to the second stage.
This means that you don’t have to release
pressure on the trigger to switch between
semi and full-auto fire (there’s no selector to
Although it features a 10.5in barrel, the
compactness of the PDR means that it barely
stretches past the mag position on an M4.
It takes P Mags or any AR15 equivalents, is
fully ambidextrous and has a 9in Picatinny
top rail.
I also got the first look at Magpul’s long-
awaited G36 P Mag and was given a global
exclusive ‘heads up’ on its brand new T Mag,
a transparent version of the P Mag which will
be available in the second quarter of this year.
While at Magpul PTS I bumped into Carl
Miller from Edgar Brothers, who took me
over to meet the guys at Crye Precision. I
know it is a stupid statement but camo is
such an important part of what we do and
more and more manufacturers are realising
that airsoft is a lucrative market for their
products. Crye Precision is well-known for its
multicam products and, although expensive,
continues to be popular – as does A-TACS.
Almost from the day it burst onto
the scene, A-TACS (Advanced Tactical
Concealment (not camouflage!) System) has
been immensely well-received. I remember
being at the War and Peace Show last year
and seeing it being snapped up from The
Shop at The Grange stand faster than they
could put it out! However, the one question
asked over and over was: “Is it available in
woodland colours?”
Well now it is, and I am ecstatic to say that
the lovely people at Propper gave me a set to
bring back to the UK for an exclusive review,
which will be in the next issue of Airsoft
Another camo that caught my eye at the
show was from a company I had not heard
of, Kryptek. The company’s tagline is “When
shadows are not enough” and looking at