Airsoft Action 06 - Feb 2012 | Page 73

Skirrmish Airsoft Billericay runs a variety of different game days, including Boot Camps and Rookie Days. Nige went along to a Boot Camp to find out more SITE REVIEW SKIRMISH BILLERICAY BOOT CAMP T wenty-something years ago I ran a paintball magazine called Paintball Monthly. In those days there were only two or three paintball companies that could claim to be truly ‘national’. One of those was called Skirmish and I knew the guys who ran the operation over at Billericay (in Essex) pretty well. Fast-forward to 2011 and I once again found myself at Skirmish Billericay, chatting to the same guy who ran it all those years ago, Jim Sidroy – only this time we were talking airsoft. The paintball site is still there and Jim still runs that too, but as a totally separate entity and on a different part of the site. Jim was always very progressive in his approach to paintball and has applied the same ethos to Skirmish Airsoft, not least in the variety of different game days he offers. One of these is called Boot Camp and runs twice a month, on the second Sunday and third Saturday. Like me, Jim believes the future of airsoft lies partly in attracting new players to the sport, and that the earlier you can get them on board the better. His Boot Camps are designed as an open day for inexperienced players, from 14 years old and upwards. Experienced players are allowed but are made fully aware that the day is designed primarily as a training day for the inexperienced, and therefore tend to be played at a slower pace with various training elements built in. Jim had mentioned that bacon rolls would be ready at 07:35 so I was delighted to walk into the reception area at 07:36 and be given a hot, fresh bacon roll and cup of coffee – now that’s the way to start a day! The airsoft area is a bit further into his woodland and has its own hard parking area, and Safe Zone, plus an on-site shop run by Action Gamers. 073