Airsoft Action 06 - Feb 2012 | Page 65

LIPO: BATTERIES SIZE MATTERS In part two of his series on LiPos, Barry Collins gets to grips with ‘Vs and Cs’ I n the last issue we looked at the safety issues surrounding LiPo batteries. Now I want to focus on the power and advantages of this type of battery in both standard and upgraded AEGs. First things first though. I missed out a very useful safety aide from last issue: The LiPo Charging Bag. This is a fireproof bag that you put your LiPo (or any battery for that matter) into while charging. Looking at the pictures of the burnt out bench in last issue shows how valuable a charging bag can be – and at an average cost of £10 it’s a no-brainer investment! LiPos come in all shapes and sizes – last time we broached the subject of stock tube LiPos, so now let’s look at the others and the benefits they offer. For airsoft, there are (smallest to biggest) 7.4v, 11.1v, 14.8v, 18.5v and 22.2v batteries, although the latter two would be pushing even upgraded gearboxes to the limit. The standards in airsoft are the 7.4v and 11.1v, with some people pushing the threshold with the 14.8v – but some heavy modifications are required to support that. 065