Airsoft Action 06 - Feb 2012 | Page 17

COMPETITION WIN...WIN...WIN... VFC XCR AS SEEN IN LAST MONTH'S AIRSOFT ACTION! H ow would you like to own your very own VFC/Robinson Arms XCR, reviewed in the January 2012 issue of Airsoft Action? If the answer's a resounding yes, then you're in luck: just answer the question below, by ticking the box beside the answer you think is correct, and send us your completed entry form (by post or email). We’ve got one to give away – first correct answer pulled from the editor's hat takes the rifle. Go go go! ON ARMS XCR COMP eel Robinson Arms XCR designed? 2004 ■ 2006 ■ Postcode Competition, Airsoft Action, Blaze Publishing, treet, Leamington Spa, Warwickshire CV32 5SZ. [email protected], quoting ‘G&G e. Entries received after 15 February will not be old. Winner will be first correct entry pulled from e to keep you informed of other offers and e if you would NOT like to be contacted by post 017