Lincolnshire Airsoft Club (LAC) is introducing
Emergency first aid courses for application
within the airsoft industry. The seven-hour
course, approved by the Health and Safety
Executive (HSE), satisfies the legal requirement
for first aid in low/medium risk environments.
Those who complete the course, including a
practical element, receive the HSE-recognised
Emergency First Aid at Work certificate.
The practical element comprises a night
game – which will feature first aid related
objectives – during which attendees will be
assessed on their practical first aid skills.
Ian Lawrence, owner of LAC, said: “I’ve been
running airsoft sites for three or four years now
and think it’s time to change things a bit. So far
I’ve trained all of my marshals and we’ve even
run one course with a group of players that
included two NHS nurses in its ranks.
“The course has a definite focus on
paediatric first aid. The majority of our
customers are younger than 18 and its
important site operators understand first aid for
adults can’t necessarily be applied to children.
Topic 26