Fancy a trip out to Estonia to shoot real steel weapons with
Estonian Special Forces? Danny P did just that – and you can too!
few weeks ago I was asked by
the editor of Airsoft Action
if I would like to go to Estonia
on a fact-finding mission
with a couple of guys from a
company called Warfighters. I knew what I’d
be doing there so there was no way I was
going to refuse – but more about that later.
Warfighters is based in the Warwickshire
countryside and is run by Dave Thatcher
(one of the fellas on the trip). Over the last
six years Warfighters has built its reputation
offering laser simulation, paintball and now
airsoft games at its sites. Some of you might
Xmas 2011
have seen them at the opening premiers of
recent first person shooter games when they
were launched. I can’t go into too much
detail about the other guy; suffice to
say he is one of the Instructors on
the courses that Warfighters will
be running and has served in the
British Army for around 25 years
(over half this time with UK
Special Forces).
But Warfighters will soon
be offering something totally
different and unique… It
will be running a number
of live fire (that’s with real weapons and
ammunition) courses in Estonia, on a facility
used by Estonian Special Forces (and a
number of SF teams from other countries).
Warfighters has secured an exclusive
deal to use the facility and some top
notch Estonian SF personnel who
will also instruct on the courses.
Now you know why it took me
less than half a second to say
I met the guys at 05.30 at
Standsted airport for our 07
flight to the Estonian capital of