…to the first Issue of Airsoft Action:
The Airsoft Magazine.
Back at the beginning of June I had
a phone call asking if I’d be interested
in becoming editor of a new airsoft
magazine – and I think I broke the world
record for the shortest thinking time
before saying “Yes!”
Just three months later and here we
are: prepared, printed and published!
I’ve got to say that there were times I
wondered if it would be possible to go
from zero to published in three months
but the support we have received, from
all sectors of the airsoft community, has
been absolutely superb and for that, I
say a huge Thank You!
So what are you going to find here?
Simple answer: everything that
has anything to do with airsoft, or is
connected to airsoft in any way.
Of course there will be reviews of
sites, guns and equipment, but I want to
be clear about what an Airsoft Action
review is all about.
A review is one person’s thoughts
on a particular subject, at a particular
time and is completely subjective. So
you will not find stars or marks out of
ten in any of our reviews – but you will
find an open, honest opinion and, if it
interests you, go try it for yourself. Just
remember: One man’s meat is another
man’s poison.
Whenever possible, equipment
reviews will be conducted in the
conditions for which the item being
reviewed was designed. For example,
in this issue we take a look at a couple
of pairs of desert boots, so the reviewer
took them out to the Arizona Desert to
see how they performed.
Airsoft Action tests will be different
though. A test is where comparable
pieces of equipment will be put through
their paces in controlled conditions and
the results given for comparison. No
grey areas, just total objectivity.
What else?
How about a ‘Young Guns’ column,
written by a 16-year-old player who has
been playing since he was 11, or ‘Big
Boyz Toyz’ (because we all get a kick out
of big metal and there’s loads of it on
airsoft sites across the country).
All Airsoft Action features are written
by people with direct experience of their
subject: our ‘Sniper’ article was written
by a former sniper, our article on hand
signals was written by personnel that
have used them for real – and so on.