goat milk S O A P makes a great shampoo bar too ! benefits for HAIR
Goat milk has a high content of lacUc acid which is one of a group of organic compounds collecUvely referred to as alpha hydroxy acids , or AHAs . These AHA ' s help to relax , smooth and so \ en the hair to make it more manageable as well as working to ease a dry , itchy scalp and reduce dandruff .
benefits for SKIN
Goat milk has been used as a healthy skin care rouUne for centuries . It contains lacUc acid that helps to break down dead skin cells thus allowing the skin to naturally rejuvenate . Not only is goat milk packed full of essenUal vitamins and nutrients including vitamin A -‐ the queen of vitamins that acts as a skin repairer and wrinkle reducer , vitamins B and C along with zinc , amino and citric acids that all work hard to keep the skin youthful , so \ and supple .
All our goat milk soaps , except where stated , are formulated with 10 plant oils and bu > ers :
Coconut Oil , Cocoa Bu > er , Grape Seed Oil , Olive Oil , Shea Bu > er , Babassu Bu > er , Castor Oil , Avocado Oil , Soap Nut extract and Beeswax .
We describe our product descrip3ons as BASE RECIPE plus the added ingredients for each recipe .
Goat milk has a pH level close to that of human skin ; it is believed that this is a significant protector against bacterial skin infecUons such as acne , psoriasis and eczema . Last but not least , goat milk is packed full of luxurious cream that helps to brighten the skin .
Airmeith -‐ Savonnerie de Caylus ( 82 ), 14 Avenue du 8 Mai 1945 82160 CAYLUS France SIRET : 828928044 00019 T : + 33 ( 0 ) E : airmeithsavonnerie @ gmail . com www . airmeithsavonnerie . fr www . airmeithsavonnerie . co . uk