essential oil S O A P makes a great shampoo bar too !
soap CARE
To preserve the longevity of our 100 % plant -‐ derived soap , we recommend that you remove as much water from the bar as possible and let it air dry . From Ume to Ume you might see a light sheen appear on the soap . Do not be tempted to wipe this off as what you are seeing is the highly prized glycerine that works hard to keep the hair and skin moisturized and super -‐ hydrated . essential oil AROMA
During the saponificaUon process , the high quality essenUal oils used to fragrance our soap are subjected to harsh condiUons in an environment whose structure is constantly changing as the soap forms . The EssenUal oils natural structure struggle to survive the dramaUc heat change but survive they do to give the soap a delicate aroma when the soap is dry . However , when wet , the aroma intensifies and conUnues to do so during use . The chemical structure of essenUal oils means that there are naturally occurring allergens present therein to which a very small minority of people may be sensiUve and suffer an allergic reacUon . These natural allergens , namely Linalool , Geraniol , D -‐ Limonene , Citral etc are listed on the labeling for all our soap in compliance with EU Law .
Airmeith -‐ Savonnerie de Caylus ( 82 ), 14 Avenue du 8 Mai 1945 82160 CAYLUS France SIRET : 828928044 00019 T : + 33 ( 0 ) E : airmeithsavonnerie @ gmail . com www . airmeithsavonnerie . fr www . airmeithsavonnerie . co . uk