An Amusing Anecdote
I have written about the Millennium Cup in
these pages on many occasions. For the benefit
of new readers I will just briefly mention that it is a
series of thermal glider events held in New South
Wales for two-metre two-channel gliders. The very
efficient secretary of the Millennium Cup organising committee is Fred Lodden, himself a several
times holder of the Cup. Fred has a mailing list
containing the e-mail addresses of everyone who
has competed at any time in a Millennium Cup
event. He keeps us all informed about coming
events and distributes the results and a brief report
on every event within a day or two of it being run.
The following is an extract from his report of the
event held at Goulburn early this year.
“A local GMAC member flew his quad-copter
after about three pilots had launched. This unit had
an on-board camera and the intention was to
record some