Cutting away more foam block enables you to
free the fuselage; this rigid, lightweight airframe
is paired with a powerful 10 size, 1250Kv brushless motor and a 40 Amp speed controller. The
12 x 4 propeller is already fitted along with a spinner. The cowl features air intakes with the exit
holes located under the canopy guaranteeing airflow over the motor, speedy and battery. The battery hatch is a real winner; at the push of a button
the hatch pops open to reveal the battery tray
with its Velcro straps. Spectrums new AR635 receiver with inbuilt AS3X stabilisation system is already mounted inside the servo bay along with
the elevator and rudder servos. The fuselage has
a fibreglass stiffener in to ensure it remains rigid
in flight. Towards the rear are the sockets ready
to accept the horizontal stabs, while the rudder
with its fibreglass stiffeners is firmly attached.
As you’d expect, wheels, reinforced wing
fences and all necessary hardware, along with
multi lingual assembly manual are all included to
get your VisionAire flight ready. As an extra bonus,
ParkZone have included a 3 cell 25C 2200mAh
Lipo and their trusty 2-3 cell DC balance charger.
What Is AS3X?
Built in to Spektrum’s new AR635 receiver is
the revolutionary Artificial Stability 3 aXis (AS3X)
system which takes 3D flying to a whole new level.
We first saw the AS3X system on the ParkZone
micro series aircraft in which three gyro type sensors are precisely positioned on the receiver board
and work behind the scene to sense any undesired
movements of the aircraft in flight. AS3X system
makes fast micro alterations to the control surface
to counter the undesired affects of turbulence.
On the VisionAire, the system has been developed to allow you to customise the amount of
stabilisation you want. Not only can it be set independently for each control surface, there are
two groups of controls, allowing you to have basically high and low rate stabilisation settings.
There is no reason to be intimidated by the flexibility of this new receiver, after all Quique
Somenzini has proven the factory settings, making it flight ready straight out of the box. It is initialised once power is connected the receiver
and the model has to be held motionless for
about 5 seconds before you can take to th