The smog crisis has disrupted our lives leaving us with no option but to protect
Here are few small but effective steps that can help you fight this battle against
Limit your outdoor exposure
Though it cannot be followed by all, staying indoors is the best option available
in the current scenario. For children and senior citizens, it is advisable to stay
indoors from immediate basis as they are most sensitive to the poor air quality.
Avoid going out during the peak hours when pollution is extremely high.
Any outdoor sports activities should be avoided. Morning and evening walks
should be avoided for now. Deep breathing exercises
Certain breathing exercises can help in keeping away the toxic effects of
these air pollutants. Yoga exercises practised indoors will help. A deep
breathing exercise like Pranayam is recommended. But these should be
done on a regular basis.
Wear a mask and full sleeve clothes
Do not forget to wear full sleeve clothes and a mask when you step out next.
N95 and N99 pollution mask are most effective in the given circumstances.
If you do not have a mask, use a clean cloth to cover the mouth.
Eat healthy and drink plenty of fluids
Vitamin C and omega fatty acids will help boost immunity. Add jaggery,
tulsi, honey, ginger, lemon, basil leaves and lots of water to your daily diet.
Warm water with a dash of honey and two-three tulsi leaves in the morning
will help.
Steam with eucalyptus oil
Add a few drops of eucalyptus oil to hot water and then inhale the steam.
This acts as a natural purifier for the lungs.
Personal hygiene
Wash your hands and face every few hours. Change your clothes when you
are home from work. A hot shower daily may help in removing the pollutants
from your body.
Avoid two wheelers and auto-rickshaws. Opt for carpool or public transport
Travelling by an auto-rickshaw and two wheelers will increase your exposure
to the toxic air. It is advisable to use various modes of public transport such
as a bus or a metro or carpool.
Purify the air indoors
Plants like money plant, mother-in-laws tongue, areca palm, chrysanthemum,
aloevera, ficus will help purify the air indoors. If you have kids, elderly or
asthma patients at home, then it is advisable to invest in a good air purifier