Initially , you must pass the aptitude tests at the Officer and Aircrew Selection Centre ( OASC ) at RAF College Cranwell .
If you pass the aptitude tests , you will be invited to return to the OASC for the one-day selection process where we will assess your potential for training .
If you are deemed competitive for selection , you will be invited back to the OASC for a final time for a specialist medical .
University Bursary .
We could provide a bursary of up to £ 6000 a year during your 2nd and 3rd years of your studies plus approximately £ 1200 for 30 days of training , if you , gain entry to a UK university for an acceptable degree and aim to join the RAF . See the Sponsorship page on the RAF website for more detail .
Opportunities exist to visit an RAF unit where you will be able to meet serving Air Operations ( Control ) Officers and learn more about the profession and the various roles you could find yourself employed in .
These visits are called Realistic Job Previews , for which on-site accommodation and meals are provided . These visits will be offered to you by Armed Forces careers staff as you progress through the application process .
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