Air Operations 20190528-PUB790_AirOperations | Page 5

If you want to work within Air Operations in the RAF , you have many jobs to choose from . You could be launching our aircraft at a moment ’ s notice before handing over to a colleague to intercept a renegade aircraft . You could work on sophisticated information technology systems and their supporting data networks that allow us to control our air operations – whether in combat or on search-and-rescue missions . You could be assisting aircrew to plan missions vital to the RAF ’ s output or monitoring space providing situational awareness to the whole of defence . Air Operations personnel are responsible for the safe and efficient completion of operations in the air environment and making sure that it can carry out this task whenever and wherever we need it . These jobs can demand complex skills and the RAF offers excellent training that can earn you qualifications of recognised value among civilian employers . But they are not just practical , output based jobs . As an Air Operations Officer or Sergeant , you could have a crucial management and planning role in the RAF . If you join as an Airman , as your career progresses , you will develop valuable leadership and management skills arming you with the toolset required for advancement in rank in the RAF .
Whatever your role , you will benefit from the good career prospects , free healthcare and competitive pay and pension package offered by the RAF .