AIME Magazine AIME Magazine | Page 6

BUILDING A CULTURE OF SUCCESS INDUSTRY- LEADING CEO MAT ISHBIA CHATS WITH AIME AIME Magazine spoke with UWM President & CEO Mat Ishbia about building a culture of success at a mortgage company. UWM has achieved a lot from a loan volume standpoint, and it is known for having a culture that is defi ned by excellence across the board. What has gone into that, and what can mortgage brokers do to build their own culture of success? Your team at UWM is obviously big on promoting partnerships with mortgage brokers, but another partnership is important in wholesale: brokers and real estate agents. Any tips on how mortgage brokers can grow their business through stronger partnerships? You’ve got to have core company values or philosophies that defi ne everything you do, and use those to guide your business. From an early stage, we made it our mission to put people fi rst and run our business as the premier “client service lender” in the country. Internally, we created a culture that ran on two principles: treat our team members great and always do right by our clients. My suggestion to mortgage brokers would be to operate their business on those same principles. If you take great care of your team, they’ll take great care of your customers. Treat your internal and external clients like gold, and don’t sacrifi ce either of them for the sake of the other. At the end o