Issue 2
AMJ 2017
III. Reflect
We live in a busy, happening world in which News 24x7 is a norm, whether
they matter to us or not. In this section, we reflect on 3 news pieces on money,
mind and media, that made news last quarter.
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Share with us any news that inspired, disturbed or perplexed you/ your family.
Email your perspective on the news (up to 300 words) and links to the sources.
Many Teenagers struggle with money matters
PISA Results in Financial Literacy
earn money from some work activity
get an allowance / pocket money
hold a bank account.
get a prepaid debit card.
And yet,
69% do not have the knowledge or
skills to manage a bank account.
25% are unable to make simple
84% discus money matters with
parents & perform better in the test
Check how much your 15-year-old
knows about bank accounts and
debit cards, planning and managing
money, taxes, savings, risk & rewards,
consumer rights and responsibilities
in financial marketplace.
A fascinating study on financial
literacy assessed about half a million
15-year-olds from 15 countries on
their knowledge of personal finances
and ability to apply it to financial
problems. PISA 2015: Students’
Financial Literacy issued by the OECD
in May 2017, using the same Pisa
scoring system that ranks abilities in
reading and maths.
PISA results show that parents and
families play an important role; when students discuss money matters with their
parents, they have significantly higher financial literacy skills, even after acco unting for
differences in socio-economic background.