AIM #2 AMJ 2017 | Page 14

Issue 2 Connect AMJ 2017 Featured Family The Sonnads Aparna, Siddharth (9), Anushka (7), Ravi from Singapore Buying a birthday present for children these days is a necessary evil. Kids are excited to receive and open their presents. But once open, the excitement in the presents dies down faster than fashion trend. For a parent, helping one’s child choose a present for a friend – helping her think what the friend would really like and appreciate, something that he/she doesn’t already have (in multiples) is always a task. So, when a child’s birthday invite reads – please bring your presents in cash only, as we are raising money to support a cause (with a detailed poster on what cause she is supporting and why), it is more than a welcome relief. The Sonnad kids, Siddharth (9) and Anushka (7) have been supporting causes ‘to make world a better place’ - selecting a cause they want to support for the year and raising money on occasion of their birthdays - since their respective 4 th Birthdays. ‘We got very uncomfortable with the idea of our privileged children, who had all that they need and whatever they wanted, receive more toys, books, stuff 14