AIESEC Paraguay Junior Achievement | Page 5

Graphic Design Ninja

Designing AWESOME corporate identity and stationery area Entrepreneurial Education (EE).

Designing the organization explanatory materials. Perform computer animations.

Advise and make advertising ventures generated designs.

Contents graphics materials contained on entrepreneurship for social networks.

Contents editorial design and layout to final reports.

Promoting good practice in entrepreneurship through graphic materials. The intern work directly with a team and EP.


Monitoring and Evaluation Expert

Implement tools and methodologies for monitoring and evaluating the impact of projects on entrepreneurship at the country level.

Implement and train staff on project management software (OpenProjet, Gantt, etc)

Create and implement a solid database of project participants Entrepreneurial Education.

Place and implement a pilot tools and methodologies for monitoring and impact assessment plan.

Report the tasks performed.

Contents talks on financial literacy and entrepreneurship.


Business Plan Facilitator

Facilitate workshops on business plans across the country.

Perform and virtual monitoring on the implementation of plans business.

Contents scheme business plan complete.

Obtaining folders full business plans.

Contents talks on financial education.

The Intern work directly with a team and EP.


Audiovisual and communication Ninja

Perform pre and post production of corporate videos and photos.

Design a new corporate image for Junior Achievement Paraguay.

Designing logos of the various events, programs and undertakings of Entrepreneurship Education.

Broadcast news of all activities of the organization

Manage page of the organization and provide content on social networks.

The EP will work directly with a team.




Entrepreneurship Facilitator Ninja

Facilitate the Entrepreneurial Education (EE) programs to young people across the country.

Develop strategies to improve the development of EE programs.

Develop leadership and motivational talks for youth entrepreneurs across the country.

Monitor (both in presence and virtually) the entrepreneurship initiatives developed by young people.

Train and empower young people around the country on business plans and financial education.

Provide advice to young entrepreneurs in the areas of business models and finances.