Usesoft is Estonian IT-company that is established in 1991. The products, services and IT-solutions are mainly targeted to engineering and production fields.
At the moment there are 25 people working in Usesoft.
Kristel Uibo, responsible from Usesoft doesn´t remember the concrete reason why they started to recruit people through AIESEC as it was so long time ago but she thinks: "Most probably we were interested how things are done elsewhere."
She thinks that AIESEC has helped Usesoft a lot in becoming more international: "Partners and clients have always been international but the
daily office work became more international
starting with the first interns from AIESEC."
When recruiting new people, Kristel brings out that potential risks should always be taken into account as it might take much time to find the right person or in particular cases it`s not possible to find the suitable one within the given timeframe. At the same time Kristel recognises AIESEC´s job in intermediating the whole process:
Usesoft has been AIESEC in Estonia partner since 2002 and by that being our longest exchange partner.
Partner of the year
Usesoft has the experience with
7 internationals working with them, having the last one from Columbia.
We hope that our great partnership continues for
decades more.
"Usually the intern comes to Estonia from a farawat country (Latin-Americas) and stays here longer than a year. Therefore he needs help, that can be difficult for a company to organise. Hereby
I would like to thank AIESEC for taking care of the interns
outside their work-life, also accommodation and social life."
Kristel believes that the whole selection process should be taken very seriously from company`s side. "In Usesoft, we are using 6-8h test-task that only some applicants are able to fulfill. This shows the skills, the logic behind the code and the program, and of course motivation."
"As an end-results we have always found pleasant, purposegul and conscientious young people," says Kristel.
Adrian from Columbia is the last intern in Usesoft.
He represented company at AIESEC Gala-night 14.12.