AIESEC in Armenia 2011 New Year | Page 7

Hey guys happy new year to all of you. Let this year be the year of rock and I know that we’ll do it, I know that we’ll rock and I WANNA ROCK.

Martiros Sedrakyan

“Strength doesn't come from physical capacity. It comes from an indomitable will” - Mahatma Gandhi

Dear AIESECers,

Once upon a time, when I was younger, during one presentation I met a girl with very strange energy. She was talking about something not so interesting, but the thing was that, everyone in the room was attentively listening and no one could take their eyes of her. It was very surprising. After the presentation I talked with her and she gave me an orange booklet with creative design. It was my first interconnection with AIESEC which was very motivating.

4 years have already passed since that day. I became a member of one of the biggest Families in the world which is called AIESEC. Now every single day starts with AIESEC. There is something unusual in this world as nothing else can make strong relations between really different people.

During these years together we had a lot of achievements, disappointments and goals which we are trying to reach. All this makes us stronger and stronger.

In New Year let all our dreams come true. I wish you a year full emotions and achievements. Never give up if something is wrong and just go ahead. Try to be the best in the university, workplace and in Society. Make a change you are dreaming about!

I believe that in 2012 we will live a fantastic experience in AIESEC. We will have a lot of achievements in life and we will make our Armenia a better place.

Be responsible!

Sincerely Yours, Arthur Pokrikyan.

Arthur Pokrikyan