AICF Chronicle Julio 2016 | Page 36

All Goa Open FIDE Rating Chess Championship 2016, Quepem Nitish Belurkar wins championship by Ashesh Keni, Chief Arbiter T he All Goa Fide Rated state chess championship 2016 got underway on 1STJune at DSY Quepem Sports Complex. The five days Tournament was played under Swiss league system in which total number of nine rounds were conducted and 153 players from all over Goa participated out of which 53 were rated players. The Tournament was organised by QuepemTaluka Chess Association along with DharbandoraTaluka Chess in collaboration with Sports Authoriry of Goa.The Tournament was recognised by Goa Chess Association and was a FIDE Rated tournament. The championship commenced today after Mr.Nilesh Cabral,MLA and Chairperson of GTDC inaugurated the event in the presence of Mr.KishorBandekar, Secretary GCA, AsheshKeni, Vice-president GCA and ChiefArbiter,SubashchandraNaik,President QTCA, Sanjay Kavlekar , Secretary QTCA and other officials. At the end of the first round top seed NitishBelurkar ,NirajSaripalli ,Wilson Cruz, AditeePrabhugaonkar lead with many others. On the fifth board DhanviFondekar drew with senior player AmoghNamshiker.The total prize fund of the tournament was Rs. 50000/and trophies.The hall arrangements were good .The toilets were clean and the hall was 34 AICF CHRONICLE JUly 2016 kept clean on all days. There was sufficient space to accommodate all the players.Clean and tasty food was provided free of cost to all the participants and their parents. Nitish Belurkar of Tiswadi Taluka retained the "All Goa Open FIDE Rating Chess Championship 2016”, in the end. In the 9th round last years winner & Top seed of the Tournament Mast. NitishBelurkar of Tiswadi Taluka beat Morajkar Navin of MourmugaoTaluka with white pieces to score 8.5 from 9 rounds to clinch the title thus remaining unbeaten throughout the Tournament. On the second board Niraj Saripalli of Salcete Taluka defeated Aditee Prabhugaonkar of Canacona Taluka to finish runners up and Wilson Cruz of PondaTaluka outwitted SaishFondekar of SalceteTaluka and was placed third in list. Mr.Ashesh Keni was the Chief Arbiter and Sanjay Kavlekar was the first Deputy Chief Arbiter and DattaramPinge, second Deputy Chief Arbiter,Swapnil Hoble and Sudhakar Patgar were the Asst. Arbiters. The Prizes were given at the hands of Mr.Vinay Tendulkar, President GCA, Mr.KishorBandekar,SecretaryGCA,Mr.Subashchandra Naik, President, QTCA, Mr.Ashesh Keni(VicePresident GCA) Chief Arbiter Mr.Sanjay Kavlekar