AICF Chronicle Julio 2016 | Page 2

AICF CHRONICLE July 2016 Room No. 70, Jawaharlal Nehru Stadium, Chennai - 600 003. Ph : 044-65144966 /Telefax : 044-25382121 E-mail : [email protected] Publisher: V. Hariharan Editor : C.G.S. Narayanan Price: Monthly Rs.25 Annual Rs.300 cover photo : Chessbase India Inside…. 43rd National Women Challengers Championship ,Chennai Vijayalakshmi wins National Women Challengers title IA Nitin Shenvi, Chief Arbiter 1 11th National ‘A’ Championship for Visually Challenged,Virar Kishan Gangolli wins title M.Manjunath IA, Chief Arbiter 5 National Rapid & Blitz Championship 2016, Visakhapatnam… Neelotpal Das and Prantik Roy win titles N.K.Nandakumar IA, Chief Arbiter 6 9th Mumbai Mayor’s Cup International Open Tmt, Mumbai Visakh lifts Mayor Cup IA Vasanth BH, Chief Arbiter 9 10th Anand Chess Academy Calicut All India Open FiIDE Rating Tmt,Calicut Vinoth Kumar wins title M. Ephrame IA, Chief Arbiter 14 Delhi State Open FIDE Rated Championahip,New Delhi Santu Mondal is the Winner Gopakumar Sudhakaran IA, Chief Arbiter 17 1st ICON Public School Fide Rated Open Tmt, Vijayawada…. Dhulipalla Bala Chandra Prasad wins S Subba Raju (FA) , Chief Arbiter 19 1st Karmveer V.T.Randhir FIDE Rating Maharashtra Open, Shirpur Anish Gandhi is Champion Anurag Singh, Chief Arbiter 21 Kasinadhuni Rajya Lalkshmi Mem.Fide Rating Tmt, Hyderabad AICF Central Council Meeting/AGM-important decisions 27 Akash Pc Iyer wins title FA S Subba Raju , Chief Arbiter 29 54th Kerala State Senior Fide Rated Championship Arjun lifts trophy M. Ephrame IA, Chief Arbiter 31 54th West Bengal Sate Championship, Kolkata… Sayantan Das wins title Debasish Barua, IA, Chief Arbiter 33 All Goa Open FIDE Rating Championship , Quepem Nitish Belurkar wins championship Ashesh Keni, Chief Arbiter 34 Selected games from GM Open Bubaneshwar Annotated by IM Manuel Aaron 36 Tactics from master games by S.Krishnan 42 Test your endgame by C.G.S.Narayanan 43 Masters of the past-66 Viktor Korchnoi 44 AICF Calendar 48 From the Editor’s Desk The five-time World champion who put India on top of the World chess map with countless achievements in the last three decades, Viswanathan Anand, has been conferred a Honorary Doctorate by IIT, Kanpur last montha well-deserved honour for this outstanding sports person. Anand’s passion to win still continues unabated when he beat the Chinese champion Wei Yi in the best of four Advanced Chess Tournament finals at Leon in Spain last month. At the Eurasian Blitz Cup in Kazakhstan GM Dronavalli Harika finished 28th in the main prize list which included the likes of Svidler,Gelfand and Karjakin but finished as best woman in the field edging out GM Hou Yifan on tie break. At the 39th Open Internacional de Barbera del Valles “A” tournament in Spain, GM Murali Karthikeyan tied for the first place with Chilean IM Cristobal Henriquez and was placed second on tie break. At the 11th edition of the Edmonton International Chess Festival GM Surya Sekhar Ganguly tied on points with Sam Shankland but finished second on tie break. Reports on the above events are featured in the centre pages of this issue. On the home turf, there were four National events organized during June 2016. Seasoned campaigner Vijayalakshmi Subbaraman proved her mettle with a facile title victory at the National Women Challenger held at Chennai. Kishan Gangolli emerged Champion at the National ‘A’ Championship for the visually challenged organized by Ameya Chess Club, Virar, Maharashtra. GM Neelotpal Das and IM Prantik Roy won the Rapid and Blitz titles respectively at the National Rapid and Blitz Chess Championships held at Visakhapatnam. Reports, final standings and photographs of the above Championships along with other FIDE rated events held during last month are presented in this issue. C.G.S.Narayanan Readers are invited to offer their feedback on the regular features in the AICF Chronicle and are also invited to send interesting articles, annotated games and chess anecdotes to the Editor at ‘www. [email protected]’ or ‘cgsnarayanan@