AICF Chronicle Julio 2016 | Page 11

9th Mumbai Mayor ’ s Cup International Open Chess Tournament , Mumbai Visakh lifts Mayor Cup

by Vasanth BH , Chief Arbiter

9th Mumbai Mayor ’ s Cup International Open Chess Tournament 2016 organised by Venus Chess Academy and conducted by Mumbai Suburban Chess Association was inaugurated by Chief Guest MrsSnehal Ambekar , Mayor of Mumbai at Mount Litera School , Bandra on 2nd June 2016 .

The Inaugural function was presided over by Shri Arun Shah of Ankit Gems , Co Sponsor of the event , Shri AbhinavUpadhyay of Zee Learn and Shri RavindraDongre , Organising Secretary and Treasurer AICF . GMIvan Popov and GM Boris Grachev of Russia , FarrukAmonatov of Tajikistan , GMGrigoryan Karen of Armenia , GM Sandipan Chanda of India were the prominent competitors of the tournament . Total of 205 players from 12 federations registered in 11 lakh prize fund Category A tournament . 333 player from 3 federations were registered in 8 lakh prize fund Category B tournament . 385 player were registered in 8lakh prize fund Category C .
The tournament was organized in a spacious air conditioned hall . Younger players and parents enjoyed the free time in food stall which was adjacent to the hall .
IM Visakh N R of Tamilnadu , GM Diptayan Ghosh of West Bengal and HimalGusain of Chandigarh scored 8 point out of 10 rounds in category A . Visakh NR won the 9th Mayors cup based on better tie break score .
In category B , 333 players from 21 states participated . Out of which 303 players were rated players . Soram Rahul Singh ( 1976 ) from Assam was top seed followed by Nikhil Dixit ( 1972 ) from Maharastra and Siddhant Gailwad ( 1965 ) from Maharastra . Varun Bhatt of Gujrat , Soram Rahul Singh of Assam and Siddhant Gaikwad of Maharastra score 8.5 each at the end of final round . Based on better tie break score , Varun Bhat of Gujrat became winner . In category C , 385 players from different parts of country participated . Gopalkrishnan S ( 1592 ) of Tamilnadu was top seed followed by Nitin M Pai ( 1589 ) of Kerala , Srihari L ( 1586 ) of Pondicherry .
Hruthik Lokesh P ( 1568 ) of Andra Pradesh score 9 points out of 10 rounds and won the tournament . Sivasubramanian R ( 1548 ) of Maharastra , Lumbani Nikhil ( 1580 ) of Gujrat and RohitMokashi ( 1496 ) of Maharastra scored 8.5 points out of 10 rounds and place 2nd to 4th based on tie break score .
Mrs . Alka Kerkar , Deputy Mayor , Mumbai was Chief Guest of Prize Distribution ceremony . MrAbhinav Upadhyay , Marketing Head Zee learn , MrUmesh Pradhan , CFO , Zee Learn , MrsAmrutaFadnavis , Mr Bharat Singh Chauhan , CEO AICF , Mr R M Dongre and MrDilip Page were on the dais .
Final standings ‘ A ’
Rk .
Popov Ivan
Grachev Boris
Amonatov Farrukh
Grigoryan Karen H .
Sandipan Chanda
A I C F C H R O N I C L E JUly 2016