AHSN Impact Report 2022 | Page 32

4 . Three-way communication : We hosted an exploratory focus group to better understand enablers and barriers to communication between GP practices , community pharmacy and care homes . This led to a change in practice in one care home .
5 . Safety huddles : We designed and tested a safety huddle tool using the Yorkshire Safety Huddles approach focusing on medicine administration errors across three homes . One home we have worked with has seen a sustained reduction in their error rates .
Adopt and Spread
The Adoption and Spread Safety Improvement Programme ( A & S SIP ) is designed to identify and support the adoption and spread of effective and safe evidence-based interventions and practice across England .
Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease ( COPD ) and asthma have been focus areas for three years . The work supports adoption of an inpatient ‘ Care Bundle ’ to help ensure patients get the optimum care whilst they are in hospital . Respiratory teams across Yorkshire and the Humber have made great strides to improve all elements of care during the pandemic , and we have continued to network with the trust lead nurses , providing virtual opportunities to discuss and share challenges and support . The data shows that in our region , we exceed the national average for three of the bundle elements : referrals for smoking cessation , pulmonary rehab , and provision of the self-management plan .
Together with Mid Yorkshire Hospitals NHS Trust , we are hosting the ‘ Putting the Safe T in Tracheostomy ’ event as part of the West Yorkshire & Humber Tracheostomy Collaborative . This is a combination of a face-to-face and virtual event and is aimed at trusts , community staff and hospices . At the time of writing , we had 140 applications for places at the in-person event and 210 applications for the virtual session . Through this work there has been a Multi- Disciplinary Team collaboration with an appetite to continue after the

Our Adoption and Spread data shows that in our region , we exceed the national average for : smoking cessation referrals , pulmonary rehab , and provision of the self-management plan .”
event , and we hope to engage with colleagues across the rest of the region to progress this area of interest .
Mental Health
The aim of the Mental Health Safety Improvement Programme ( MH SIP ) is to improve the safety and outcomes of mental health care by reducing unwarranted variation and providing a high-quality healthcare experience across the system by March 2024 .
We were very pleased to receive new commissions this year to support our mental health and learning disability colleagues with a priority area of safety work . We have been focussing on ‘ reducing restrictive practice ’ within in-patient services , as this is an area where we know we can make improvements in patient safety and experience .
32 Transforming Lives Through Innovation