AHSN Impact Report 2022 | Page 9

As the biggest employer in Britain , the NHS contributes to the equivalent of 4 % of England ’ s total carbon footprint . The effects of climate change caused by carbon emissions such as air pollution , increasing allergens , extreme heat and water quality impacts , to name but a few , can exacerbate long-term conditions and lead to poor mental and physical health .
Sharing learning
The NHS has the power to use innovative solutions to tackle existing sustainability issues and concerns . Industry and innovators can also work to consider and build sustainability into innovation concepts and products , to help us work towards net zero carbon emissions .
We have heard some of these solutions over the past year as we hosted a series of sharing and learning events on behalf of the AHSN Network ’ s Environmental Sustainability Community of Interest , which seeks to share best practice innovations and initiatives to support the delivery of a Net Zero NHS .
The virtual events explored topics such as : national ambitions and strategies , reducing the carbon impact of anaesthetic gases and reducing the environmental impact of asthma inhalers . All three events were attended by a total of 564 people with the event recordings attracting 628 views .
According to the follow-up survey after the last event , 100 % of those who completed it said they had learned something from attending .
Our ‘ green ’ accelerator
In April 2021 , we launched Propel @ YH Net Zero ( see page 34 ), a new sustainable health accelerator pilot programme commissioned by West Yorkshire Health and Care Partnership for Small and Medium Enterprises ( SMEs ) who either have new innovations that can support the NHS ’ drive towards ‘ net zero ,’ or who have existing products that can be made more sustainable .
Three companies took part in the three-month programme , that provided bespoke guidance and support services to enable them to
Impact of reducing inhaler emissions
Prescriptions of blue inhalers reduced by over


metric tonnes​

16,000 units of CO2e emissions have been offset

Equivalent to
more than 571 transatlantic flights
9 Transforming Lives Through Innovation