individuals and communities live and work in – are also known to account for approximately 50 % of the variation in health status . The linkages between health and personal prosperity and the economy are therefore clear to see : if we invest in and focus upon one area , the other intrinsically benefits too .
The North of England has a significant cluster of activity in health and life sciences . Together , these assets have the ability to both close the gap in healthy life expectancy and level-up productivity between the North and South , but they also have the potential to drive levelling up across the whole of the UK . However , we shouldn ’ t look to these assets just to contribute to directly improving the health of the population . Many of these assets are anchor institutions and their two-fold role shouldn ’ t be underestimated : they also have a civic duty to invest in the health and skills of their workforce and create employment opportunities . Through doing this , they will not only reap the rewards in terms of their own workforce ’ s productivity , so too will the broader region ’ s economy .
Through our YHealth4Growth , campaign which started in 2019 , we continue to raise the profile of the links between health and the economy , and the role of the economy in driving improved health outcomes and vice versa . We also continue to work with and promote the role of business and anchor institutions in tackling inequalities and improving the health and prosperity of the region . Through our unique pan-regional position we ’ ll also continue coordinating collaborations of regional partners around this important agenda , leveraging additional investment for the region wherever possible .
Growing the Yorkshire and Humber health innovation ecosystem
Department for International Trade definitions cite over 1,300 life sciences businesses in the
The North ’ s Life Sciences offer
life sciences business
Over 4,000
health sector employers
1 in 3
digital health jobs
life sciences employees
in Sheffield City Region
in Leeds City Region
68 Transforming Lives Through Innovation