AHSN Impact Report 2022 | Page 28

We were successful in working with the Humber and North Yorkshire ICS to secure £ 213,376 of funding from the AAC ’ s PTF to provide FeNO testing to GP practices across the region .
The initial target was to distribute 28 FeNO machines and 16,390 mouthpieces , but to date 130 devices have been purchased , with 41,050 mouthpieces utilised . This means that 11,494 additional patients have been diagnosed with asthma that is now under control , improving their quality of life and wellbeing .
PTF monies have also allowed the development of a web resource to store educational assets relating to FeNO delivery , including the national modules produced by the AAC , alongside additional local resources developed within the ICS .
28 Transforming Lives Through Innovation