AHSN Impact Report 2021 | Page 16

Virtual wards
The COVID Virtual Ward initiative is aimed at patients recovering from COVID-19 in hospital who are improving and can be safely cared for in their own homes with support from an expert clinical team . The same can be applied to a patient who has arrived at A & E and may not need admitting , but care staff feel they need further support and monitoring at home .
Before being sent home , these patients will be assessed , provided with a pulse oximeter and will have a clear plan in place with daily monitoring and escalation arrangements in case their condition deteriorates .
After 14 days of supported care , if the patients are well enough , they will be discharged from the scheme or if not , they may stay on the scheme for further care . They may also be referred on for help with long-COVID symptoms .
We supported 11 of our acute trusts to successfully implement the COVID Virtual Wards between January and March 2021 , this will have allowed at least 134 people across the Yorkshire and Humber and North East and North Cumbria regions to
be discharged earlier from hospital and to recover at home with specialist clinical support .
Our support
We have also hosted a series of monthly webinars which have educated and advised on :
• The projects themselves and their accompanying evidence base
• Learning from pilot sites and from other models of remote monitoring
• Addressing inequalities and developing accessible patient information
• Digital solutions to increase referrals onto COVID Oximetry @ home pathways
• The role of the Emergency Department
• A focus on patient and staff experience
The PSC has been a strong advocate of these two schemes and we continue to provide support to the Trusts and CCGs through regular meetings with project teams to discuss issues , share good practice and learning and provide national updates .

134 people

11 acute trusts were discharged earlier from hospital as a result successfully implemented the COVID virtual wards project

10 Transforming Lives Through Innovation