programme despite the pandemic , and amongst the people from whom data was collected , there was a combined weight loss of approximately 3kg sustained on average per person . For some the programme had a transformational impact , with one participant expressing “ I have never had a more rewarding experience . I genuinely believe it has improved my physical and mental wellbeing .”
To maintain engagement and momentum , Fit Fans was adapted to become an online “ bite-sized ” programme . Short videos on topics such as bone health , food labelling and cholesterol were produced and shared by the SWFC Community Programmes Team , backed up with twice weekly group-based Zoom meetings on nutrition and exercise .
Pivoting to virtual delivery of the programme has opened up new possibilities for the team , enabling continued involvement and ongoing self-care by individuals who are unable to attend sessions in person .
The Innovation Hub continues to support the Fit Fans delivery team in this new phase of the development of the programme .
Finding funding opportunities
Over the last year , the Innovation Hub has also taken on a leading role in
bringing funding opportunities that support innovation to the attention of ICS workstream leads and ICS partners and developing consortiums of stakeholders to co-ordinate applications to the National Institute of Health Research , SBRI , NHSX and the Health Foundation . This has so far resulted in £ 240k of research and innovation grants being won . Besides the additional investment , the partnerships created and the initiatives scoped out have resulted in closer working relationships with ICS partners around innovation and new collaborative initiatives have emerged , creating a foundation for more successful bids in the future .
Future plans
Although the pandemic affected each programme in different ways , learning and outcomes from the completed Population Heath Management and Workforce exemplar projects are proving to be of value to the ICS in post-pandemic recovery planning . The Innovation Hub team is looking to restart work on a third Urgent & Emergency Care exemplar project in the next quarter and the team is scoping out themes for new programmes that link to the ICS ’ s recovery and planning priorities over the next year .
3kg sustained average weight loss per person
£ 240k research and innovation grants won
46 Transforming Lives Through Innovation