AHSN Impact Report 2021 | Page 48

agreeing that they would recommend the service to another patient . The overall feedback was that Luma was a ‘ preferred treatment pathway ’.
As part of the Innovate UK project , we commissioned York Health Economic Consortium to undertake a health economic analysis to measure the anticipated benefits of the implementation of Luma .
Utilising data from Hull University Teaching Hospital ’ s renal team , this analysis concluded that the adoption of the home monitoring device has the potential to generate cost savings when compared to current care pathways due to the reduction in frequent monitoring appointments in a care setting ( hospitals or General Practices ). In Hull , it is estimated that the use of the home monitoring device could reduce primary care resource by 510 appointments per year . The ability for patients to selfmonitor at home could have a number of benefits for the patient , including :
• Reduced outpatient appointments
• Improved treatment and testing compliance
• Reduced home visits or attendance at general practices
• Greater satisfaction for people with anaemia of CKD
• Empowerment of patients
• Allowing patients to maintain integration in society
We have been really proud of the work we have done with Entia , particularly around being able to support our partners in Hull during the pandemic . The Luma device provided them with a solution to protect some of their most vulnerable patients as well as helping them to ease resource pressures during an unprecedented and incredibly challenging period for the health sector . Hull University Teaching Hospitals are planning to continue to utilise the Luma device , with plans underway to increase the number of patients benefitting from the home monitoring pathway . Taking the learnings from Hull and the results of the health economic analysis , Entia is in talks with a number of other renal centres about adopting the Luma device for the benefit of their patients .
42 Transforming Lives Through Innovation