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Enhancing virtual care capabilities for children and adults
We advocated for TytoCare ’ s device to be included in the Joined Up Care Programme after seeing its potential in a pilot project in the paediatric department at Bradford Teaching Hospital . Tyto was piloted shortly before COVID-19 first hit in March 2020 , with its use adapted in response to the pandemic .
TytoCare have developed a wireless , handheld examination device that allows users to perform medical examinations anytime , anywhere , for the ear , throat , lungs , heart , temperature , skin and abdomen . These examinations can be on-line , live with a medical professional , or can be recorded by the patient , parent or carer and uploaded to a secure platform for review by the clinical teams . Tyto can be used to diagnose a range of acute conditions such as colds , flu , ear infections , bronchitis and sore throats . It can also be used for monitoring and managing patients with chronic conditions such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease ( COPD ), high blood pressure , asthma , congestive heart failure , eczema and diabetes .
There are two versions of the device : TytoHome™ is for use in a patient ’ s home and TytoPro™ is designed for use by professionals in a clinical or community setting .
We are actively supporting 14 healthcare organisations across the region to implement TytoCare pilots across a range of use cases – from ventilated patients at home to ED departments to Care Homes . At the heart of this clinical redesign is the aim to reduce the need for healthcare admissions and in-person attendances – where care can be delivered in a better way , either closer to or within people ’ s homes . Our implementation programme is piloting at scale TytoCare ’ s capabilities in enhancing the care that can be provided for patients remotely , including patients who are at the end of life , have long-term conditions or have recently been discharged from hospital .
This collaboration has enabled a coordinated and efficient implementation for partner organisations alongside opportunities for shared learning . Leading and managing the implementation centrally via the AHSN has removed duplication of effort ( e . g . for procurement ), optimised preparations for benefits realisation and ensured that implementation is robust . As part of this implementation , we have successfully completed the first supplier Digital Technology Approval Process ( DTAC ) approval process for the region and are developing capabilities for DCB0160 local Clinical Safety compliance across the region . We have created a 6-stage digital implementation approach with supporting materials that will enable the adoption and spread of this and other innovations beyond our current pilots . This is of benefit to our region , and increasingly to those outside Yorkshire and the Humber too – as we work with colleagues in the North East , North West , Midlands and London to share what we have learned from the implementation of Tyto .
Impact Report 2020-21 19