ahmed zewail (June, 2013) | Page 4

His awards :

His awards :

Over the next few years , Ahmed Zewail received a great many honors and awards . The most notable of which are the :
. Camille and Henry Dreyfus Teacher-Scholar Award ( - ) which is an award for those who demonstrate leadership in research and education and advance important knowledge in the chemical sciences .
. King Faisal International Prize in Science ( ). During the ceremony where this award was bestowed , Ahmed Zewail met Dema Faham who is the daughter of another honoree . The two were married later the same year .
. First Linus Pauling Chair at Caltech ( ).
. Wolf Prize in Chemistry ( ) for using ultrafast lasers in femtosecond ( one quadrillionth , or one millionth of one billionth of a second ) time which resolved measurements of the evolution of chemical reactions thereby obtaining the first direct observation of bond breakage in a molecule .
. Order of Merit , first class ( Sciences & Arts ), from President Mubarak ( ) in Egypt .
. Robert A . Welch Award in Chemistry ( ) whose purpose is to foster and encourage basic chemical research and to recognize the value of chemical research contributions for the benefit of mankind .
. Benjamin Franklin Medal , Franklin Institute , USA ( ) whose purpose of the award is to identify individuals whose great innovation has benefited humanity , advanced science , launched new fields of inquiry , and deepened our understanding of the universe .
. Egypt Postage Stamps , with Portrait ( ) and the Fourth Pyramid ( ).
Nobel Prize in Chemistry ( ) for developing a technique that uses flashes of laser light that last for a few femtoseconds . Femtochemistry is the area of physical chemistry that addresses the short time period in which chemical reactions take place and investigates why some reactions occur but not others . Dr . Zewail ’ s picture-taking technique made possible these investigations .
. Grand Collar of the Nile , Highest State Honor , conferred by President Mubarak ( ) which is awarded by Egypt for exceptional services to the nation