AHERO Summer 2021 | Page 55

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Sam Lombardo , LTC , US Army ( Ret .), Born July 12 , 1919 On his 100th Birthday
From distant shore , when just a child , you braved the ocean ’ s harm Your youthful eyes gazed up to see a lady ’ s outstretched arm Come here , she said . You ’ ve found your home , my land from sea to sea I only ask you honor those whose blood was shed for me
For what I give comes at a price , the lives of heroes past Who loved my flag and did their part , defended to the last For freedom ’ s right does face a foe ; its enemies abound Beyond the seas , within it ’ s shores , the snares and arrows found
I pledge allegiance to the flag , you promised years ago Of the United States of America , the land you came to know One nation under God , you swore , then grew to be a man And said you then that you would serve , do all that duty can
Through decades three , in uniform , you were my guard and shield And kept your oath to honor me on distant battlefield When then you led through snow-clad field those men that sunny day Aware of mines beneath the snow , prayed God would show the way
Then witnessed I the flag you made , the red and white and blue The emblem of democracy , the standard you held true You ’ ve honored me and all who serve ; you ’ ve done your duty well And with your actions , voice , and pen , made known what I would tell
Yes , soldier , husband , father , friend , my patriot from the start Your faithful service to my own reveals your servant heart So welcome those who ' ve gathered round to toast your life anew And don ’ t slow down or think you ’ re done ; I ’ ve more for you to do
By his friend and fellow Crispy Warrior , Rich Adams July 12 , 2019