AHERO Summer 2021 | Page 50


appeared to have no concerns . He was content to perform his dance for all to see !
Suddenly he straightened his neck and lifted his head . His feathers seemed to fall as he turned and in leisurely steps began walking away . After taking several steps he slowly tucked his head and began strutting again .
For several minutes I was able to keep him in my sight . Finally , though , he disappeared into the spring morning . I turned to see Dad looking at me . The Model 12 was still at his shoulder . ‘ Why didn ’ t you shoot ?’ I asked . ‘ I think we got our money ’ s worth out of that old gobbler ,’ he said .
I never noticed disappointment in my dad when a turkey hunt did not work out . He was content just to be there – a silent partner in the turkey ’ s dance .”
AHERO was created and exists to serve and assist United States Veterans who suffer from physical injuries and physiological trauma endured while serving their country and in reintegrating with those in civilian life . We have learned there is no better therapy for any injury or condition than for those who bear them being outdoors , connecting with the land and the wildlife that calls it home .
Wild turkeys are handsome , majestic , noble birds . Hunting them and matching wits with a wild turkey gobbler is living a moving game of chess that unfolds on the turkey ’ s turf and on his terms . It is a challenge that immerses hunters , whether they be veteran hunters or neophytes . It draws them into that magic place where turkeys live , on spring mornings when everything is new and fresh , and into that spine-tingling moment when one wild turkey gobbles close , offering an inordinately vivid experience of seeing a him strut and hearing him spit and drum .
Occasionally the hunter wins the game and takes home a trophy for the wall and food for the table . More often , the turkey wins and leaves the hunter humbled by the experience of having played the game . Still , the hunter never loses this game . He is always a winner just by playing it , learning new skills and living the experience .
This , too , is what AHERO is all about : learning new skills , experiencing new things , rediscovering the true value of life and finding your way back to the utter joy of just living it .
Tes Jolly , a brilliant professional wildlife photographer , captures vivid shots of turkeys and other wildlife ... AHERO thanks her for allowing us to show her work here .
Thanksgiving dinner on the hoof , but not yet ! Two gobblers at home among the wildflowers .