The activities programme is a vital part of student life and learning. The programme
activities are divided into six categories linking to our UWCSEA skills and qualities
where our students will develop, explore and engage in activities beyond the
classroom. By trying out new things, they discover what they are good at, and are
motivated to succeed.
Wellness for Life
These activities will develop an understanding of the relationship between a healthy
body and a healthy mind. The value of self-discipline, awareness and confidence are
important aspects as you invest in your body and mind.
Mind Matters
These activities require students to inquire, question and make connections. Mind
Matters focuses on problem-solving, analysis and evaluation in a variety of different
Arts and Performance
Activities that promote visual, auditory and movement expression. Originality,
collaboration and perseverance are important skills.
Dragons Sport
Representative sports at UWCSEA East promotes confidence, resilience and
determination throughout a wide variety of competitive sports on offer. Commitment,
dedication and sportsmanship are essential components of sport.
Learn and Lead
Communicate and lead through collaboration in diverse settings. You will assume
shared responsibility and resolve issues whilst working with others. Flexibility,
adaptability and cooperation will be required to develop trust and influence as a
Create and Innovate
These activities encourage students to unleash curiosity, generate new possibilities
and alternative ideas. Students are encouraged to be original, adaptable and to
improvise whether working with engines, food or robotics.