Academic Activities
● It must be made very clear that academic Activities are not an appropriate
vehicle to cover essential parts of the curriculum but are extension and
enrichment opportunity.
● Each Faculty in the MS/HS may offer one academic activity per subject area
per season that enriches curriculum. It would be advisable for faculties to
make a yearly plan if they intend to offer this type of activity to ensure staff
and the Heads of Activities are fully aware of any other commitments they will
need to make to the activity programme.
● Staff running academic activities should be rotated each season.
● The activity must be set up as per normal activity set up with students signing
up online and making a regular commitment to attending the activity.
● A ‘turn up when you please’ basis is not acceptable as an activity.
● Academic activities cannot be made mandatory requirements. It needs to be
made clear that academic activities are optional.
● The minimum student requirement for these activities would be six students. If
the sign up is less than this then the activity will be cancelled in the same way
as any other activity in this situation is cancelled.
● You must get approval for any academic activity from the Heads of Activities
and the relevant Principal.
● The academic activity can only be set up at the beginning of a season, as with
as any other activity, and must not start in the middle of a term.