Opinion vs.
Life in general is hard. No one said it would be easy but it is possible to live an utmost life. It is possible to live an abundant life, a holy life, a complete life through Jesus Christ. The bible says that Jesus Christ is the way, the truth and the life so therefore we have a responsibility to gear our life through Him. When I speak about life, I mean absolutely every area: our perspectives, our opinions, our emotions, and our thoughts. Everything has to be filtered through the Word of God to be effective. When we lose our ability to filter things through the Word, it becomes a personal opinion. That can be destructive since life depends on right decisions based on obedience rather than an opinion based on an emotion or thought.
There is a struggle in the church with doing what's right versus doing what I think it's right. There is a difference. Many people do right things but not do what God has told them to do. They base their decisions on what they think is the right way or the right thing to do based on their situation. That's why you see people do good deeds but have no transformation in their personal life. The good deeds are something right but have nothing to do with what God has told them to do in that specific season. Opinion in the dictionary means a view or judgment formed about something, not necessarily based on fact or knowledge. So there are a lot of viewpoints in the church today. Everyone has something to say. In reality, there is an opinion about every single area of church and/or ministry. That's not really the problem. It's your right to have an opinion but the problem lies when your opinion carries more weight than the actual truth of something. When your opinion have more weight than what God has spoken over your life. Then the struggle begins.
This struggle can be seen throughout the church body today. Even though it seems like a very basic concept, it's actually not. Your opinion which is your logic if not dominated will overpower the Word of God. This struggle will intensify as your focus is on your reasoning, not on what God has spoken. The only way this war can be conquered is if you break it with obedience. Being obedient is submitting to someone's order or acknowledging to authority. Obedience takes sacrifice. It takes you putting your opinions to the side and submitting no matter what. When you submit, you are breaking patterns, cycles and bad habits off your life. The bible says it this way, "I am crucified with Christ, I no longer live." Christ comes in and renews every area of your life and makes it new.
I remember growing up in church with Pastors that had all sorts of rules and regulations. These rules were strict and half of them really didn't make any sense. They were based on opinions and dogmatic viewpoints. But nevertheless, I remembered that if I wanted to be in a leadership position, I had to learn to submit. My reasoning could've gotten in my way and I probably could've argued against every rule but where I wanted to go in God was more important than what argument I could've won over a silly rule. See, disobedience leads to rebellion. I had to be submitted to the word of God because in my eyes I would've seen it right to stand up and say, "No, I'm going to cut my hair". "You are not my father". But I knew that was considered disrespectful and God calls us to submit even when we think we are right. My disobedience wouldn't have gotten me far with God. I was under that Pastor's supervision, therefore under his rules. If I would have gone against what he said, I would have been in disobedience with him and God would've counted it as disobedience also for me going against a superior. I had to choose between my opinions or obedience to my Pastor. Obedience will always bring recompense. God will always honor those who honor Him and those who honor His people. Because of my obedience, God took me from one position to another and giving me more access to work for His people. He rewarded me with unlimited blessings and favor. I do have to mention that the obedience I am speaking about is towards someone that obviously is not in sin or going against the Word of God. Then of course, you have to then choose God over any person or situation. Let that be clear.
God will take you through these little tests to develop a submitting heart and a teachable spirit. He wants to know what is more important to you, your opinion or your willingness to obey. He does this to be able to escalate you to higher dimensions that will need more of you focusing on obeying His word instead of your logic. Remember this journey is by faith not by sight. Surrender to Him your will so that you can be obedient to Him no matter what you think!
PG. 25