Photo credit: Provided by author
Seal cracks the case!
Forward. Up. One flipper in front of another.
Forward. Up. Up. Up. Don’t look do—
He fell.
He fell, fell, fell… felt something break his fall…
and soared. “Quick!” Peacock cried. “Grab on!”
And so they flew to the top of the third hill,
where they found Lioness waiting for them.
Peacock waved off Seal’s thanks, and together
the three continued down to their last test.
There, they found Polar Bear was no longer
smiling. “Your final challenge is to solve a case:
where has the beer gone? It was here, right
with me.” Polar Bear gestured to a School flag,
draped over a table. “It’s no longer here. How
can we find the thief?”
The friends looked at each other. It was Seal
who broke the silence. “My hypothesis, Polar
Bear, is that you drank the beer.”
The others stared. Undaunted, Seal pressed
on. He drew a tree showing his logic: Polar
Bear had the motive (testing the three friends),
the opportunity