Agri Kultuur October / Oktober 2016 | Page 2

Add vooma to your fertilizing programme with P&B Agricultural Lime. P&B Agricultural Lime is nature’s own soil booster. By creating the ideal conditions in the soil, P&B Agricultural Lime helps you get the most from your fertilizer. Your fertilizing programme actually becomes much more effective. That’s because the pH level of the soil determines how much nitrogen, potassium, phosphorous and other plant nutrients are available for uptake by the plant. soil pH level. With P&B Agricultural Lime it costs relatively litle to set things right in your soil... and the rewards are so sweet! Applying P&B Agricultural Lime also promotes the growth of microbes and modifies clays and heavy soils to become more workable. P&B Agricultural Lime is a calcitic lime. Its fine texture and high incidence of CaO³ (a minimum of 80% guaranteed) exceed the prescribed levels for registration as a fertilizer. Add lime to acid soil, and you raise the pH value. The result? You lift the calcium level of the soil, you accelerate micro-biological activity and you increase the rate at which organic matter and nutrient elements are released by the soil. More phosphorous and nitrogen become available to the plant. Reg no B117 Act 36/1947 Available in bulk, mini-bulk and 50 kg bags Many fertilizers are acidic; they turn the soil acid, which hampers the release of nutrients. This necessitates the use of lime for correcting the Tel: 028 424 1157 ● Fax 028 424 1428 [email protected] ● P&B_product_sheet_agri_lime.indd 1 2010/04/02 03:11:10 PM