Agri Kultuur October / Oktober 2015 | Page 35

The highest milk production is obtained if proper feed management is maintained from the beginning of the lactation period. The recovery of milk production decreases as the feeding level is improved at a later stage during the lactation period. The amounts of concentrates can be adapted on a monthly basis during midlactation. 3. Late lactation Until fairly recently, this stage in the lactation period was considered of less importance in the feeding of lactating cows. The reason for this is during the late lactation stage, cows are once again in a positive energy balance due to the fact that more feed energy is consumed than is required for maintenance and milk production. The recovery of body reserves during this period is more effective than during the dry period, i.e. 65% versus 48%. This means that cows should already be prepared for the following lactation period in the late lactation period. 4. Dry period A dry period of 50 to 60 days is essential for the recov- ery of the milk secreting cells in the udder towards maintaining a high lifetime performance. When the dry period is less than 40 days or more than 80 days, a 5-10% decrease in milk production could be expected during the following lactation period. When cows become pregnant soon after calving, the lactation period should preferably be shortened to provide sufficient time for the udder to recover afte "֖ƶ