Agri Kultuur October / Oktober 2015 | Page 6

T he global population is set to increase by more than 30 per cent by 2050, making food security one of the biggest global challenges. Drip irrigation technology can make a real difference, according to Gaby Miodownik, vice president and head of Europe, the Middle East and Africa for Netafim, the global leader in smart irrigation solutions for sustainable productivity Our world faces many challenges and a rapidly growing population is but one of them. The standard of living and demand for high-quality food among the growing middle class, particularly in developing countries, are also on the rise. The Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations (FAO) estimates that agricultural production need to increase by 70 per cent to feed an additional 2 billion mouths in the next 35 years. At the same time, there is limited availability of key natural resources such as arable land, energy and especially water, while climate change is making a significant impact across the globe. All of these factors are forcing us to come up with new ways to produce food. Without innovative technologies that can improve yields while preserving resources, food scarcity will threaten our world. A pioneer in drip irrigation since its establishment by kibbutz farmers in 1965, Netafim was born out of a need to combat the severe water shortage in Israel. “Since then,” says Gaby Miodownik, “we have been the global leader in smart irrigation solutions, helping farmers worldwide grow more with less.” Today, the global need to save water in agriculture is paramount. Some 70 per cent of all freshwater in the world is used for agriculture, especially for flood irrigation, a highly inefficient method but one that is responsible for 80 per cent of all irrigation. “In contrast, drip technology leads to water savings of 50 per cent or more and nutrient savings of 30 per cent,” says Miodownik, “while increasing yields by 200-300 per cent compared to flood and furrow irrigation. Precisely delivering small drops of water and nutrients in a controlled manner directly to the plant’s root zone, drip also improves crop quality by giving the plant exactly what it requires. “Despite drip’s proven success over the last 50 years, only 4-5 per cent of all irrigated land is drip irrigated,” he says. Initially adopted among growers of high-value “cash” crops, drip is now being used more often for basic food crops such as corn and sugarcane. “To successfully penetrate drip among the world’s 500 millionplus smallholders, who primarily cultivate basic food crops, we need to create partnerships among the public sector, private sector and civil society, and all players across the agricultural value chain. “Once such wide-scale cooperation is in place, we are convinced there will be mass adoption of drip worldwide. And once drip becomes the irrigation system of choice for farmers of all sizes – from smallholders to large-scale growers – the technology will make a real difference in the world.”