Agri Kultuur November / November 2017 | Page 22

A re you subject to water restrictions and now have to preserve water for the most profitable orchard or crop on your farm? Are your water rights limiting expansion on your farm? Do soil re- strictions limit the effectiveness of your irriga- tion? Do you know whether you are getting even water distribution in your soil profile? Look out for standing water in the rows or, in lighter soils, excessive water running down the irrigation drains or poor fine-root development deeper in the soil profile. With limited water availability, you might find it di cult to wet your soil profile. In drip irrigation you might find narrow or uneven wetting patterns, restricting root development and increasing your crop sensitivity to marginal soil moisture. If you can answer YES to any of these questions or have noticed any of these symptoms on your farm, you may find the use of a soil conditioner to your benefit. E ciency of drip irrigation can be improved by more uniform distribution of water and through improved lateral (sideways) move- ment of water in the soil profile. In saline conditions this effect will be helpful to move unwanted salts further away from the roots (See picture). Efficiency of soil applied calcium products are improved when preceded by a TRANSFORMER SA treatment. Soil characteristics such as compaction, surface crusting and hydrophobicity (water-repellency) limit infiltration and distribution of water in the soil. This results in water stress for the crop, reducing productivity and water use efficiency. Increasing lateral distribution in drip irrigation, keeping salts out of the roots zone. With the application of a soil conditioner, such as TRANSFORMER SA ®, you can increase your irrigation efficiency and ensure that water infiltrates the soil faster and is distributed evenly in the root zone. This ensures more optimal oxygen levels in the root zone. TRANSFORMER SA can be applied through your irrigation system, preferably at the beginning of the season, so that the resulting more e cient water -use can have maximum effect on the crop. Alternatively, apply any time during the season when water or heat stress periods are expected or when the crop is most sensitive to water stress. TRANSFORMER SA is manufactured in Cape Town, South Africa and contains OROWET® Technology. It is based on cold pressed orange oil in a proprietary blend of biode- gradable surfactants. TRANSFORMER SA has been tested on various soil types and in different irrigation systems. It is registered under Act 36 of 1947 to improve water infil- tration and distribution (especially noticea- ble in compacted or surface crusted soils), reducing hydrophobicity and increasing wa-