Agri Kultuur Julie / July 2014 | Page 63

Photo: Planting in containers is not only decorative but also ideal for companion planting. Marigolds provide an excellent companion for their ability to repel certain pests. (‘Cape Spits) and leeks. All these are compact growing vegetables and veggies like lettuce, beetroot and spinach can be used as borders. Chillies also make beautiful pot plants. Vegetables in Containers Tomatoes can be a bit overwhelming for a garden bed but you can plant a tomato bush in a large pot (about 20 liter) and train it up a trellis or pyramid. To contain its growth pinch off the growing tips when it reaches the desired size otherwise you could have a monster. The small cherry tomato ‘Sweety’ is particularly good in pots. Other runner plants like peas and beans can also be planted in pots and supported on a frame. Try chil- lies and eggplant in pots as well. for longer. Vegetables for Large Gardens If you are lucky enough to have plenty of space you can also grow the more rambling types of vegetables like squash, patty pans, cucumber, and watermelon. Also remember that many of these can also be grafted on suitable strong, disease resistant rootstock. Keep the soil moist during germination and thin out the seedlings when they are big enough to handle. For a good crop fertilise with a balanced organic fertilizer two weeks after germination and at monthly intervals after that. Vegetable Growing Tips Like herbs, vegetables do best if grown in a sunny position. Prepare the beds by digging them over well and mixing in compost. Growing veggies from seed is much cheaper than buying seedlings and most veggies can be sown in situ. Just store the left over seeds in the seed packet in the fridge or in a dark drawer and they will remain viable Seedling trays come in different shapes and sizes. Invest in a strong and reusable type. All the planting instructions are on the seed packet (planting depth, final spacing etc) so don’t forget to read the instructions! To control insects spray with an organic insecticide that is ECOCERT approved for use by organic gardeners. Sources: Some of the heritage tomato varieties are lovely to look at, tasty to eat and provide high yields. Photo: