Although pomegranates are grown commercially
in South Africa, it is still an emerging industry
and research into production and post-harvest
practices has been limited compared to other fruit
The fact that the market for pomegranates is grow-
ing, however, makes it essential to study this fruit
in depth. In the interest of establishing and main-
taining a competitive edge in the global market,
there is an undisputed need to develop innovative,
science-based tools and quality standards for the
South African pomegranate industry. These should
include effective post-harvest management in the
areas of packaging, storage, transport and the
detection and control of post-harvest diseases and
• Pomegranate trees take six years to bear a full crop.
• Pomegranates yield between 20 and 30 tonnes per hectare.
• The Southern Hemisphere harvest season is from February to April.
• South African pomegranates arrive on the market one week earlier than produce from
Peru and Argentina.
• Cultivars grown in South Africa are ‘Wonderful’, ‘Acco’, ‘Kessari’/‘Bagwha’, ‘Hershkowitz’
and ‘Angel Red’.
• Export volumes increased by 31%, to 4 173 tonnes, between 2014 and 2015.
• The volume of pomegranates delivered to the local market increased more than four
times between 2011 and 2016.
• South Africa exports pomegranates to the EU and Russia (61%), the UK (11%), the Middle
East (11%), Africa (7%), the Far East and Asia (7%), Indian Ocean islands (2%), and the USA
and Canada (1%).
AgriKultuur |AgriCulture