This recent finding means that the pantropical blue
tick is now also comfortable in the Albany Thicket
vegetation of the Eastern Cape, in the Bushveld of the
Northern Cape and isolated patches of fynbos in the
Western Cape.
“It is possible that the establishment of the Asiatic
blue tick in naïve environments will result in higher
disease incidence and tick-related deaths,” he says.
“Several babesiosis-related deaths have already been
recorded among naïve cattle that have not previously
been exposed to this tick species.”
“Ticks and tick-borne diseases have a significant
impact on the health of domestic animals worldwide.
It is difficult to estimate, but ticks and tick-borne
diseases could cost the industry between US$ 14
and19 billion,” he explains the practical implications
of his mapping exercise, and the role it plays in
the provision of veterinary services. “If one can
map where certain tick species occur, government
and farmers are better able to coordinate control
“The observed range changes may be facilitated by
the combined effects of environmental adaptability
by the tick and the movement of host animals,” he
says. “Ticks that used to be found only in colder
regions are now also found in warmer locations, and
vice versa.”
Secret to success
Dr Nyangiwe says that having to study part-time isn’t
easy, and comes with a huge responsibility. How does
one stay focused? “Self-motivation combined with
determination and a well-orientated vision,” he says
of the demands that come with having to balance
work, family-time and studies. “More than anything
else, support is very vital in all aspects.”
In this regard he thanked his wife, Khunjulwa, who
is also busy with postgraduate studies in social
sciences, and his sons, Odwa and Thembelihle, who
are studying towards pharmacy degrees at the Nelson
Mandela University.
Female Bont-legged tick
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