age). It must be decided whether to use aerial or underground cables. This involves coordination between
the irrigation designer, greenhouse designer, electrical
supplier and the builder.
The heating layout must fit in with the irrigation layout
and involves coordination between the irrigation designer, the greenhouse designer and the heating contractor.
Irrigation pipes lie underneath roads. It must be
planned which comes first, the pipe or the road? If the
road, then sleeves will be necessary through which to
lay pipe. If the pipe, then that pipe would need to be
steel. The same would apply to cables: over or under
roads? If under, which comes first, the cable sleeve or
the road?
All parties and their equipment crisscross each other in
a confined space. Communication between the parties
will not happen spontaneously. A full-time Project
Manager is essential.
This paper is aimed at emphasising the need for thorough planning of a gre V